Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On Just Wanting Christmas

Well, I can honestly say that I am so very OVER working these days. I feel as if I am checked out, mentally. I cannot be asked to plan anything these days. I have some lessons left un-taught that I had planned earlier in the year, but I cannot be asked to make up new ones for the last few lessons I have with each of my groups this week. I am being a complete and total lazy moo.

I can't really help it, because the kids are projecting this feeling of apathy as well. It can't possibly be my fault, it's all on them. If they come in full of reckless energy, then it just seeps into me.

I should also admit that other things are on my mind, namely the thought of being home in Canada. I just cannot wait to go home for the holidays. I can already smell my house; the distinctly 'home' smell that it has, of old wood and warm candles. I also can't wait to snuggle up with a blankie on the couch, sip a rye and ginger, and just enjoy it! Ah, free time. I can't waiiit.

I've checked out of England, at the moment, and cannot wait to be in MY country, with MY family and MY friends, with MY boy!


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