Thursday, September 25, 2008

On Gearing UP

God, am I ever glad the week is nearly over. Tomorrow is the Sponsored Walk, so tonight I don't have any planning to do. If I was smart, I'd still be doing school-work tonight, planning ahead, and saving myself work in the future. However, no one said I WAS smart, so here I am doing nothing. I've watched telly for most of the night, thus far, and then decided now would be the perfect time to add to my lovely blog.

As most of you should be aware, it is my birthday on Saturday. I was a tad worried, prior to coming, about the prospect of spending my birthday alone. Now that I've been here awhile, I know this would never have happened; my roomies are quite lovely and friendly, and I know they'd go out with me. In fact, that had been the plan! We're still going to go out, just not on the night of my birthday. No...that night has been set aside to be a karaoke night, with some of the hip members of staff at school. I'm actually looking forward to it, despite the fact that I have a horrible singing voice. Hopefully they will all get super drunk, and not remember how terrible I sound when I sing. I really don't want there to be running jokes going around about how I could shatter glass with my voice. :S I just hope everyone is equally as appalling at singing as myself. That'd make it alright then! I'm sure that will likely be the case. There might be one exception though. There usually is at least ONE person in the bunch that can really belt it out. Regardless, I know already that person is not me! I'll do my best though, and have a good time trying.

The addition of booze will definitely help; not help me sing better, but help me loosen up, so that I no longer care. In fact, if my past experience has taught me anything, people tend to get WORSE the more they drink. They start to sing louder, losing all pitch and tone. I just pray no one has a video recorder on their phone. That could be immensely dangerous. Oye.

So I went to an NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher) conference this week in St. Ives. I got to take the afternoon off school to go, so that as pretty nice! Made this week that much shorter. Anyways, since it was in St. Ives, I decided to forgo a ride home afterwards. I thought I would be able to easily find my way home. Turns out I know absolutely NOTHING about the town I live in. I wandered around for about an hour, completely lost. It was not too bad though, as it definitely got me slightly more acquainted with the town. Wandering around lost, while trying to find your way home, is quite a good way to get your bearings. Eventually, I started to recognize landmarks. Luckily for me, I have a bit of a photographic memory, and once I saw ONE thing I recognized, I was quickly able to determine where I was, and how to get home. So while for about 45 minutes I wandered around feeling slightly panicky, the last 15 minutes were worth it. It's always refreshing to know that even in the worst of situations you can right yourself.

My wandering also made me realize that I should walk more often, during the day. Once my shoes arrive in the mail, I plan to jog around, taking different routes. The area that I live in is very residential and clean, so I wouldn't feel afraid at all, even at night. I'm definitely going to up my wanderings, in the very near future.

I'll take my camera, snap some pics. I need to add more to Facebook, for the peeps back home. I plan on taking it tomorrow, on the Sponsored Walk (just have to make sure no students get in the pictures. That's a can of worms I hope to avoid). Strictly scenery. I'll also have it out this weekend, during my birthday celebrations.

Well, I've run out of things to say for the time being. Expect a rather hungover post detailing my birthday weekend, on Sunday.


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