Monday, September 22, 2008

On Hating Mondays

I've got what appears to be a cold. I woke up with a sore throat and sniffles Saturday morning. At first I thought the sore throat was from....don't kill me, parents....having a few cigs Friday night, but as the day wore on, I realized it was a tad too persistent to be my body punishing me for a drunken decision. I also started to get a little sniffly. Sunday it only got worse. It felt like I'd been awake all night, when really I went to bed at a decent hour. I was so exhausted, visions of having mono all those moons ago (so many moons, BAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA) came rushing back to me. It was, and is, terribly unpleasant. I woke up this morning feeling totally knackered, and wanted desperately to go back to bed. However, I forced myself to get up, telling myself it would get better as the day wore on.

Luckily for me, it did get better. I only had to blow my nose a few times during the day. It's always rough when you're teaching, and all you want to do is blow your nose every five seconds. Despite not feeling as bad as I thought I could, I still hated the day. I was in a grumpy mood, for no particular reason, and the kids were being royal pains in the asses. Usually they're pretty subdued on Mondays, because they've just got done with the weekend, and they're all partied out, or whatever else it is they do in England.

Not today though, they couldn't stop talking. I had to use my "stern voice" in all four of my classes today. I knew it was going to be a bad day, when I had to lecture my year 10s on not talking while I was talking...I had to raise my voice within the first ten minutes of the day, and that's never a good thing. I instantly felt drained. I am not good at projecting my voice at pitches higher than a moderate talk. This doesn't fly in the classroom, when you're competing with 30 other voices, most of which have way more energy than you do. I told them that it was "far too early" for me to have to raise my voice, which only got a few snickers. Eventually I got them to settle down, but when I distributed the task, no one seemed interested in doing it. They just continued shooting the shit with each other.

Frustrated, I told them that it was a shame they weren't taking the work seriously, since the play (Twelfth Night) going to require some coursework from them later. This caught their attention slightly, so they worked for about 5 minutes, and then started chattering away again. Inside I wanted to scream at them, but outwardly I just composed myself, and hammered away at the lesson. Eventually people started to notice me talking, and they shushed each other.

Regardless, it was a rough start, and I wasn't too keen on continuing the day in the same fashion.

My lower ability 11s weren't much better. It's hard to get work out of them on a good day, and today was definitely not a good day. One of the girls started to cry while working on a handout on similes. I went over, to see what was wrong, but she wouldn't talk to me, and asked to use the toilet. I let her go, because sometimes we just like to be alone...and besides, why would a 15 year old girl want to talk to ME about her problems? When she was gone, one of the boys told me that she was "hungover". I told him I didn't want to know these things.
"It's true though," one of the other girls said.
"Regardless, that's none of my concern, and it's not yours either. Stay on task," I said.

They worked for awhile, and then the boys at the back of the room started on me again about Canada. It's endlessly amusing to them, to grill me about the differences between Canada and England. No matter how much I try to ignore them, and keep them on task, they always succeed in pulling me into the conversation. Lucky for them, I find most of them to be pleasant individuals, so I really only half-try to ignore their inquisitiveness. They asked me if I knew any British swears. I told them that was inappropriate....but added that I actually had learned about an unintentional swear this weekend....the whole "two fingers" thing, that's the equivalent of giving people the middle finger. It's just the peace sign in Canada. I've made that mistake many a time....and I'm sure offended many people in the process. I just really had no idea.

Then they tried to ask me about "American football". Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of either form of football, so they didn't get much out of me in that regard. I told them I enjoyed hockey, but they didn't seem to care about that. They don't know much about "ice" hockey here. Ugh. I hate calling it that. It seems redundant.

Anyways, they tried to ask me a few other stupid things, but I wouldn't answer them. Then they tried to get personal with me, and ask me if I had a boyfriend.
"Okay, honestly! Do you REALLY care? I mean REALLY!? Let's not talk about this!" I said, trying not to laugh.
In high school, I couldn't have cared LESS what my teachers did in their private time. I certainly never asked them if they had a boyfriend/girlfriend. That wasn't my business, and I was more concerned with getting one for MYSELF. Sooo bizarre.

Eventually, that class ended, and I had my wonderfully angelic year 8s. They're just the cutest, sweetest kids in the world. They do whatever I ask them to do, and they put soooo much effort into it! It really boggles my mind, to think about how my current year 9s could have EVER been like that. I honestly wonder if they were...I can't really make the connection. I just hope that my year 8s will go into year 9 and remain as committed and polite as they are now. Somehow I have my doubts about this though. It seems to me that something "clicks" when kids go into year 9....regardless of where in the world they are. Year 9s, the world around, are hormonal, crazy, rebellious monkeys.

I ended with my higher level 11s. They're usually a pretty good bunch, but today they were a bit off the wall. I also got a LOT of attitude from a pair of them (one student who is supposed to be a Sports Captain dealy....he wears a prestigious 'black shirt'). He was so snarly to me, I thought he'd bite. The girl he was sitting beside was also quite vicious today. I assigned some group work, and split them up, and they tried to fight me on it. They questioned where I had moved them, and feigned ignorance when I confronted them on their failure to follow direction. It was a bit amusing, because the girls around them were listening, and when the snarky girl tried to question what I was asking of her they giggled and said "What's NOT to understand about what she's telling you!? Are you not LISTENING?!"
I had wanted to say the same thing to the girl, but felt it would have been slightly unprofessional for me to do so. But honestly, I wasn't really sure what she didn't understand. I had asked her to move, so she could join a different group, and she kept questioning what I expected of her.
After the other girls chastised her, she rolled her eyes and moved. The guy stalled a bit, but finally went and joined a group of guys.

The whole rest of the class, the girl and the guy averted their eyes every time I joined their group to facilitate their discussion. It was so annoying! Ah well, they're still growing young people, who have a bunch of crazy emotions rolling around in their over-stimulated hormonal heads. I don't envy them at all.

I also think one of the boys in that class got dumped, because he was sulky all class. I also found a note, at the end of the day, that said "Dear ____, You're awesome, don't be sad!"
Seems like something you'd say to someone who got dumped. Or perhaps not. Regardless, I'll keep an eye on him next lesson, just to see.

Anyways, the day's over, and I am quite happy. This week should be an easy one for me. I don't have to teach Wednesday afternoon, because I have a workshop to attend in St. Ives for new teachers. Friday is the Sponsored Walk (kind of like Canada's Terry Fox fun. The kids raise funds for charity/the school though, instead of for Cancer research). It's an all day event, so that should be pretty great! I am just happy that it's an easy day before my BIRTHDAY WEEKEND! Plans are still in the making for that, but I certainly hope it's a fun time. I bought a wicked new Ted Baker dress, and I plan to dress to impress. Who knows, maybe I'll get my flirt on. See what I have time for, ha ha ha! Jokes, jokes.

Well, I should be off now. I am deathly tired (it's 9:30), and should hit the sheets.

Cheers, darlings.

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