Sunday, October 5, 2008

On Nothing In Particular

I'm procrastinating....I have my first review tomorrow afternoon, and frankly I am nervous as hell. That said, I made a purchase last week (via, and recieved a rather helpful book Saturday morning. It's Fred Jones' book "Tools for Teaching". I was told by a teacher at CASS to purchase it last year, and never got around to it. After my struggles with classroom managment last week though, I thought it would be in my best interest to find it. So I got a copy, and started reading through it yesterday. It's actually quite good. Again, its more of that "common sense" junk, that once you read once, you realize "No shit...that WOULD work". I am going to try to put some of the tips in effect for tomorrow, and hope for the best.

Mostly, the book talks about being a "natural" teacher; how some people have the gift, and others have to work for it. I like to think I'm somewhere in the middle. I do have the instincts necessary to teach, but my "green-ness" sometimes shows through when I doubt my own game-time decisions. Reading the book has let me see that my initial thoughts are usually right. So I'm going to give that a try. Fingers are crossed this week is better than the last. If I go in with the right attitude it should be fine though.

That said, I wish it was the weekend again. I need more "me" time than two days. *sigh*

I need a LOT of things, actually, but we won't go there. Ha ha ha.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog...I couldn't be a teacher, no way.