Ugh. I should probably be marking things right now, but I just cannot bring myself to do it. I guess tomorrow afternoon I will have to pull the pile of marking out, and do as much as I can stomach tomorrow. The fact is, I can think of a million things that I would rather do. I feel so removed from my teaching life in England, right now. I feel as if I've been home for ages, even though it's only been 12 or 13 days. I'm starting to forget that I don't live here anymore; how weird is that? It's startling how easily we can fall back into what's comfortable for us. I could do this for the rest of my life; live here, live like this. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be realistic, because I haven't worked for the past two weeks. It's a bit weird.
It's almost too long of a break. I feel rusty. I feel like if I had to go teach tomorrow I would do an absolutely terrible job. I've also started to forget the fact that I am a teacher. I tell people that I meet that that's what I do, and most of the time they don't believe me. Sometimes I don't believe myself!
So tomorrow I will crack out the pile of essays I brought with me, and attempt to get my mind warmed up to the fact that I actually have to educate young children in England. I really should not have put this off so late...but what can you do. I wanted so badly to enjoy my holiday. I needed to give my mind and body a break, and I do believe I've done that. Maybe too much.
I am very sad about having to leave home, but I am also looking forward to returning. I just hope that I can find a job for September fairly soon; I worry that I've left things too late, but I certainly hope not. I am not ready to leave England yet. There is a lot to keep me there.
One thing is travel, as I've said before. Last night I went to my friend Steph's house, and we watched the film 'In Bruges'. I wasn't sure what to expect from the film, but it had Colin Farrel in it, so I wasn't going to complain. It turned out to be a really amazing film; it was edgy and funny, not to mention the fact beautiful. The characters kept joking quite a lot about Bruges (Why would anyone want to go to Bruges?!), but as the film drew on and on, I became mesmerized with the beauty of it. Watching the film in Canada, it made me recognize the old world charm, the things I can see in Cambridge (like canals, bridges, cobblestone streets, old tight-knit communities and buildings); it made me miss England. It also instilled a desire in me to go to Bruges. It looked to me like a closer version of Rome. I am also of the belief that a lot of people speak English there, which would be beneficial for me, considering I am an ignorant North American, who can only speak one language. I do plan to learn French before I am 30; we'll see if I can manage it. Anyways, Bruges was made out to be a very beautiful 'fair tale' place, so I am determined to go there.
I did some preliminary research, and found that for the days I want to go the Eurostar would be the best (and cheapest) option. I also scouted a site, recommended to me from a friend, about hostels, and found that Bruges has a bevy of pleasant looking and affordable hostels. I cannot wait for this trip. I will likely book something for sure very soon; I want to be able to securely say I am doing it.
I must admit, I find some humour in the fact that I am planning my next vacation before my current one is even over. However, in my profession you have to have something to work towards, otherwise you'd just go insane. I need to have something like this to look forward to; something has to keep me going, something beyond the ordinary.
Anyways, I'm going to stop for now. Perhaps if I get more thoughts floating around my head I will come back and add some more.
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