Monday, January 5, 2009

On Being Back In England

I'm currently sitting in my classroom fighting back waves of nausea. It's not necessarily from the sheer dejection I feel about being back in this country, but rather from something questionable that I ate at lunch; or at least that is what I am chalking it up to. I had a large number of tiny sandwiches (the exact number would make your head spin, not to mention decrease the amount of respect you have for me), two of which had some sort of prawn and mayonnaise mix. I am fairly certain that it was these two sandwiches that are causing my stomach an undue amount of distress. That, or the two salmon sandwiches I ate. Not entirely sure who to place the blame on, but I'd wager that it was either of these sea-faring choices. I'll try to remember on future occasions to stick to the egg salad. Though I suppose even then I could run into trouble. Ah, to have a stomach and gut like mine...its a curse, believe me.

The day itself went alright. I am still extremely tired, and I do hope to go to bed fairly early tonight (though I somehow doubt that will become a reality). The general staff meeting dragged on a bit, but the English department one this afternoon was beneficial. I got a real feel for where I need to go this term, which is a plus. I also managed to get quite a bit of work accomplished after. That said, it is now 5pm, and I am still in the building. If I had my own car, I would certainly not be here at this ungodly hour; in fact, I still need to go to the grocery store, if I hope to eat (and subsequently poop, since I don't have any toilet paper, and my roomies are too stingy to share theirs) in the near future. Ugh. I am starting to wonder if I shouldn't just pack up and wander into her room, to give her the hint that I want to depart. The grocery store I shop at closes at 7, and I don't really relish the idea of walking there at the best of times, not to mention in the dark AND when I am starving. Maybe I will just forgo the store today, and attempt to venture there tomorrow. I'm sure another meal of popcorn won't kill me.

Then again, how long can I really go without going number two at home? I highly doubt I can last the night, especially if I manage to keep this nausea down; it only has one place to go, and that's out.

But I digress; I did not intend for this blog to focus solely on my D.A.V. (Diarrhea and Vomit). Ugh. I gross even myself out sometimes.

I had the most terrible time falling asleep last night. I was dead tired, and so badly wanted to sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about how much I missed home. I so badly do not want to be here right now, it's literally making my head spin. I think it will be slightly better now that I've started work, and I have something to distract me/keep me busy. Maybe the solution is to throw myself into work, and become a total workaholic. Except that really wouldn't be any different from usual, because as a teacher my life is 90% work anyways....that wouldn't change, regardless of country. Eventually I managed to shut my brain off long enough to fall into a deep sleep, but I didn't wake up feeling refreshed. I also had a number of dreams about being back home, which caused me to wake up feeling even more depressed. As I sit here now, my eyes are burning away in their sockets, a sure sign that I'm fatigued to the max. This is a feeling I can definitely do without...

God, I miss home so much...I miss my family, and my amazing friends, and that special someone.....BAH! Life, you are such a cruel bitch sometimes....(though I can't really blame life for the choices I make, now can I? But I will anyways. Everyone loves a good scapegoat.)

Well, I'm tired of being in this damned school....I'm going to see if Rachel is ready to leave, because I know I sure as hell am.


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